Monday, March 23, 2020

Best Coronavirus Poopchallenge Prank Compilation

Parents turn on their kids for entertainment while trapped and bored at home because of the 2020 Covid19 Lockdown. Here is a selection of some of the best of the wildly popular but equally traumatizing #poopchallenge


Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Mbolo Yabwinobwinoyo Mukuyibudulilanji?

Musatengeke ndi a ma bungwe onyenga, mdulidwe  utha kuonongerani mbolo ndi kuthekera kwanu pogonana ndi okondedwa anu, utha kukupangitsani kutenga HIV ndi zina zambiri. Tiyeni tiganize limodzi.

Nkhani iyi ndi nkhani yovuta, nkhani ya mdulidweyi akuyikamba ndikuyipititsa patsogolo ndi mabungwe amphamvu monga WHO (UNAIDS) komanso a boma la America.

Mu 2007 bungwe la WHO linagwrizana zomema mayiko onse omwe ali ndi anthu ambiri  omwe ali ndi HIV komanso omwe amuna ambiri sanadulidwe kuti atero. Mwa Amalawi 10 ali onse awiri okha anali odulitsa (80%) mu 2011. Onani apa zankhaniyi.

Koma inu mwina nkufunsa kodi HIV ndi Mdulidwe zikugwirizana pati?

Mu 2007 a WHO ndi UNAIDS anayamba kuuza madotolo kuti mdulidwe uphatikizidwepo pa ndondomeko zogonjestera matenda a HIV. Anayesa izi ku malo atatu: Kisumu, Kenya; Rakai, Uganda ndi ku Orange Farm, South Africa. Mwa omwe anayesedwa anapeza kuti mdulidwe umachepetsa tsoka lotenga HIV ndi thekha (60%).

Atapitakonso ku Uganda kuja mwapompano anakapeza kuti mdulidwe unachepetsa kutenga HIV ndi 73%. Onani apa. Anthu ena amati kafukufukuyu anali wofooka/wosadalilika.

Azasayansi mkafukufuku wawo akuti anapeza kuti mwa anthu 10 ali onse, 7 kapena 8 amatenga HIV pogonana. Akuti kuchikopa cha mbolo chakusogolo chija kuli tithu tina take (CD4 ndi CCR5) tomwe HIV imakakamirako ikakhuzana nato. Tinthuti timapezekanso mkati mwa ntumbo kwa omwe mumagona ndi amuna anzanuni. (Langerhans' cells, and dendritic cells—in the genital and rectal mucosa.) Werengani apa

Nkhani yabwinotu iyi, kukhala ngati. Koma ndiye kunaponyedwa zindalama: $1.5 billion, mukuziwa kuti ndindalama zingati zimenezo? Ndi 1,102,500,000,000.00 Malawian Kwacha! Yonseyo kuti zikopa za mbolo za anthu a kumwera kwa Africa zidulidwe. 

Amafuna kudula mbolo 21 million ndipo akuti kutere kupangitsa US$16.5 billion izapulumutsidwa kamba koti mmalo mopereka mwankwala ndi chithandizo kwa anthu odwala Edzi kuzachepetsedwa.  Onani apa.

Kufika mu Chaka cha 2017 anali atadula mbolo 18 million, ndikhulupilira pano zinafika 21 million ankayifunayo.

Ndatitu kunakhuthulidwa zimakobiri, kuzipatala, kuma nyuzi komanso kuma bungwe mu 2013 nane ndinayankhulapo za nkhani iyi.  Koma kodi izizi nzofunika? Kodi tinaganiza mokuya za nkhani ya mdulidweyi?  Ine maganizo anga ngosiyaniranako pang’ono ndi a madolowa.

Ganizani mwakuya

Mungadye niple? 
Mutati mwalowa mchipinda, mchipinda mmenemo nkukhala azimayi abwino, okongola 10...azimayiwo ndikunena kuti mwa anthu tenife 6 tilibe HIV folo ali nayo, sankhani mmodzi mwa ife mugone naye puleni. Olo atati munali ndi njala ya zaka 7, mbolo yanuyo singadzuke nkomwe.

Umutu ndi mmene a UNAIDS ndi WHO akuganiziratu.

Chachiwiri mayiko ena monga Ethiopia kapena Egypt amadula ka nyemba ka ku nyini kwa azimayi, cholinga kuti ati azimayi asamve kukoma pogonana komanso asaganize za kugonana… ma report ena amanena kuti mwa azimayi 10 alione aku Egypt, 8 alibe kanyemba kaja, makolo awo anadula. Nkani yoopsa kwabasi, a UN ndi mabungwe ali pakalikiliki kuthetsa mchitidwewu, ku mangalande makolo ena anamangidwapo ata dula nyemba za ana awo aakazi. Akuti kutero nkuphwanya ufulu wa azimayi, komanso kuvulaza ana, komanso ana osakwana zaka 18 amakhala asanakhwime maganizo mokwanila kuti avomeleze izizi.

Ku South Africa, Children’s Act yawo ya 2005 imaletsa kudula mbolo za ana osakwana zaka 16 kupatula asilamu kapena za ku mtundu.

Nanga ana athu akudulidwa mbolo kunowa akudziwa chomwa akuchita? Ndikukhala ku Kawale ndimakhala ndi ma cousin anga omwe tsiku lina anabwera kunyumba atadulidwa. Kodi dziko lino li ndi malamulo? Zikusiyana pati kudula mbolo za amuna ndi kudula nyemba za atsikana?

Nkani yayikulu yina ndi kupanda umboni kwa anzathu amene amapanga zimeneziwa.

Atafunsa anthu ku zambia, 94% anati akufuna adulitse kuti asatenge matenda opatsilana pogonana. Ku Nyanza Province, Kenya, 55%  ya amuna amati iwo amakhulupirira kuti akazi amakonda kuchindidwa ndi amuna odulidwa. Akazi aku Nyanzako, ena oti sanachindanepo ndi mwamuna odulidwa amakhulupilira kuti mamuna odulidwa amachinda ngati porn star.

Kumalawi kuno mu kafukufuku wawo a Ngalande ndi anzawo nawo anapeza kuti amauna amafuna mdulidwe chifukwa amafuna kukhala ma Tchale pogonana komanso chifukwa amafuna ataziteteza kumatenda.

Pankhani iyi tichedwepo, mu kafuku wa A Munthali ndi azungu ena awari omwe adapanga ku Zomba adapeza kuti: Anthu omwe adalandira uthenga wa kuopsa kwa HIV anachepetsa uhule, izi sizinatengele kuti ndiodulidwa kapena ayi.

Komano amuna ambiri (50%) anauza a Munthali ndi anzawo kuti anthu odulidwa sangapereke matenda kwa azimayi. Azimayi (80%) nawonso anali ndi zikhulupiliro za bozdzazi zoti mwamuna wodulidwa sangapereke HIV. Werengani apa.

Mwina simunamve bwinobwinotu anthuwa akadulidwa akumaganiza kuti sangatenge ndikupereka  HIV. Simukutha kuoona kuti anthu odulidwa akuwaza ma puleni ambiri kunjaku?

Chinanso ndi ichi: Anthu ambiri amene akutenga ndikupereka HIV ku Malawi siakumidzi, si osaphunzira…komanso si ana…HIV yambiri yili mwa anthu amene adapitilira ndi ma phunziro. Ilinso kwambiri pakati pa anthu okwatira. Onani apa

HIV ilinso kwambiri mwa anthu amene ali ndi ndalama. Kwa ine Ndalama ndi yimene ikupangitsa anthu ambiri kuti atenge matendawa chifukwa mahule ndi atsikana amakhala ophweka ndi ndalama mmene tidziwira Malawi muja. (Kumbukirani: mukakumana ndi mahule awiri ku Malawi, mmodzi wawo ali ndi HIV).

Chodabwitsanso nchoti anthu amene miyambo yawo yimapanga kale mdulidwe ndiamenenso alinso ndi HIV yambiri: kum’mwera kwa Malawi cha ku Zomba ndi Mangochi kusiyana ndi anthu omwe sayelekedza nkomwe kudula mbolo zawo monga aku Chitipa.  Izi zikukuuzani chani?

Kupatula kuziletsa palibe chimateteza munthu ku HIV kuposa kondomu (98%).  Mmalo momema anthu kuti agwiritse ntchito ma kondomu nthawi zonwe, mmalo moyika ndalama zambiri mma kondomu nchifukwa chani ma billion akupita ku mdulidwe? Mchaka cha 2017, Malawi imasoweka makondomu 19 million. Nchifukwa chani amabungwe ali kalikiliki ndi mdulidwe pomwe njira yabwino koposa akuyinyala?

Izi ndizimene Van Howe ndi Mzake anapeza mukafukufuku wawo, iwo anapeza kuti mdulidwe utha kupititsa pastogolo HIV kwathu kuno. Iwo anati mdulidwe ukutenga ndalama zofunikira pomwe zipatso zake nzochepa. Van Howe anati kupanga mdulidwe umodzi umatenga ndalama zokwana zogulira ma condom 3000. Werengani apa ndi penanso apa.

Inayamba kutsika kale HIV
Chinanso ndi ichi, padziko lonse lapansi anthu amene akutenga HIV pachaka akucheperachepera, inde ngakhale kumalawi kuno anthu pafupifupi 50 thousand amatenga matendawa pachaka, komabe, zinthu zikusintha.

Program ya dziko la américa ya Pepfar mwina pano yadya 100 billion dollars, koma nanga nchifukwa chani anthu sakusintha machitidwe? Mwina apa mumvapo zifukwa koma kwa ine nkhani ndi ija ya ndalama. Kwa anthu osaukafe tikapeza ndalama timafuna tipange zinthu zimene sitinkapanga tili osauka: Kunyenga akazi ambiri/ okongola/odula. Komanso ma program a Pepfar ndi a tchalichi amangolimbikitsa kupewa komanso safikira ma hule ndi ma geyi zonsezi zikupangitsa kupita patsogolo HIV.

Ena nkumati ati anthu odulidwa amakhala aukhondo, ndikukumbukira nthawi imeneyo a Zodiak atalandila zimpukutu za ndalama ankayikoka nkhani iyiyi, kodi onunkha mkamwa timawadula milomo? Onunkha kunkhwapa adulidwe manja? Nanga tikuduliranji chikopa cha mbolo ponamizila ukhondo?

Umaoneka dolo ukamapanga mdulidwe, koma amuna ambiri akudandaula ndipo ena akuvutika/ kuononga ndalama zankhaninkhani  kubwezeretsa kachikopa ka ku tsogolo kwamboloko.

Mukadulidwa, kutsogolo kwambolo kumauma, kumachita kuda bii, anthu amati amuna odulidwa amatha kuchinda chifukwa choti amatenga nthawi asanawazire kamba koti mbolo yawo imafunika kuthentha kwambiri kuti imve kukoma. Koma nanga muzapanga izi mpaka liti? Nkana anthu awawa akumawaza ma plain chifukwa mbolo yoguga mkondomu nde mbola.

Kachikopako kamatetedza mbolo, madala. Mukamayenda malaya amayikwecha mbolo. Mukadula mboloyo muzabunyula bwanji poti pobunyula timasuntha kachikopako?

Komanso musayiwale kuti ku kachikopako kuli ma eliyolo (nerve-endings) migolomigolo amene amathandiza kuti tiyimve kukoma gemu. Kudula kachikopako zili ngati kumudula kongo mzimayi – mwamupha.

Anthu ena akadulidwa amakanika kuyidzutsa mbolo, ena amadzipha, ana ena amafa, ena amapunduka, komanso ena moyo wawo onse umaonongeka, mutha kukhala inu.

Yang’anani kuno madala, ngati mumatha kuwerenga, ngati munamaliza form folo, ngati muli shasha, ngati muli ndi phoni ya tachi, kodi mpakana mukufunika azungu apereke ma billion nkukukudulani mbolo chifukwa choti inuyo panokha simumatha kugwiritsa ntchito kondomu?

 Mwaonatu? Akukutengani ngati okanika, opanda nzeru, akuti inuyo mumakonda puleni ndipo kuti mwina akutetezeni mwina akuduleni kakutsogoloko. Zoona madala?

Kodi momwe ku Russia HIV ikukwereramo a UN apita kukawadula mbolo kumenekonso kapena izizi nza anthu osauka, akuda, osaphunzirafe?

Ku America anthu ambiri anadulidwa (80%?) ndi chikhalidwe chawo, mdulidwe kwa iwo uli ngati hamala, akufuna msomali. Msomali anaupeza kuno, anabwera akuziwa kuti akufuna chani, sanafunse munthu anangoyamba zawozo. Inu werengani apa kuti muone mabodza aanthuwa.

99 pelecenti iyi
Ngati mumatha kuwerenga, simufunika kudula mbolo yabwinobwinoyo, pezani kondomu musanayiviyike, kayedzetseni ndi okondedwa anu ngati inuyo puleni mwayifunisisa.

Tikufalitsa matenda ndife anthu ophunzirafe. Okwatiwafe. Andalamafe. Anthu okhala ndi ma foni a intanetife. Ngati akufuna kuthetsa HIV, ayambe mdulidwe wa anthufe, koma ine maganizo anga ndiakuti, anthufe timadziwa kale zomwe tingachite kuti tithetse HIV, tisapangitse ana ndi anthu akumidzi kupundulidwa kumoyo ponamizila HIV.

Sitikukana, anthu ena odulidwa amatha kusatenga HIV, koma kupanga mdulidwe ku mayiko oti HIV ili paliponse, komwenso anthu ngosauka ndiponso osaphunzira kukungolimbikitsa anthu kunyenga ma puleni. Tiyeni tipange zama uthenga ndi makondomu, ndalama musadyere pamutu pa anthu osaziwa.

For a summary of my jumbled arguments in English read this and this, and watch the funnyman from TruTV:

Monday, March 16, 2020

The US Once Made a 'Disease' for Africa - Lumumba Case

Everyone wanted to kill Patrice Lumumba. He was a 'mad dog,' they said. 

The Belgians wanted to divide the Congo and hold on to the resource-rich Katanga region, Lumumba lay in their way. When he refused their offer to let Belgian troops help out with security, they got bitter and unilaterally flew in troops and took control of the key points of the country.

Lumumba - All wanted him dead

In Katanga they installed Moise Tshombe and they disarmed Congolese troops, Lumumba then did the fatal mistake, he threatened the UN that he would ask the USSR for help if they didn't. Bad move.

The US said Congo, a source of much coveted minerals, could not become another Cuba.

‘At a meeting of the US National Security Council in Washington on 22 July, presided over by President Eisenhower, the Central Intelligence Agency chief, Allen Dulles, described Lumumba as ‘a Castro or worse’, adding: ‘It is safe to go on the assumption that Lumumba has been bought by the Communists.’ (Meredith, 2011)

President Eisenhower, when told by his advisers that Lumumba might succeed in forcing the UN to leave the Congo, authorised the CIA to ‘eliminate’ Lumumba.

The head of the CIA, Allen Dulles, sent a telegram to Lawrence Devlin, the CIA station chief in LĂ©opoldville, saying: ‘In high quarters here it is the clear-cut conclusion that if [Lumumba] continues to hold high office, the inevitable result will be at best chaos and at worst pave the way to Communist takeover of the Congo with disastrous consequences for the prestige of the UN and for the interests of the free world generally. Consequently, we concluded that his removal must be an urgent and prime objective.’

Even when Mobutu, with the connivance of the CIA and UN officials, staged a coup, the US was still not over the idea of killing Lumumba.

‘The CIA, meanwhile, fearing that Lumumba might return to power, continued with its assassination schemes. At a meeting of the National Security Council on 21 September, chaired by President Eisenhower, CIA chief Allen Dulles stressed that ‘Lumumba . . . remained a grave danger as long as he was not disposed of ’.

'A senior CIA scientist, Dr Sidney Gottlieb, put together an assassination kit that included a poison designed ‘to produce a disease indigenous to that area of Africa and that could be fatal’. Gottlieb sent the kit by diplomatic pouch to LĂ©opoldville, then traveled there himself on 27 September to instruct Larry Devlin on how to use it.

 'Gottlieb explained to Devlin that the poison had to be put in Lumumba’s food or on his toothbrush. But the poison reached its expiry date before Devlin had worked out a scheme to infiltrate Lumumba’s residence. According to Devlin, he dumped the poison kit into the Congo River.

Suffered a death worse than Kashoggi - Lumumba
‘The Belgians were also working on assassination schemes. In a telegram to Belgian officials in Elisabethville on 6 October, the Minister of African Affairs, Count Harold d’Aspremont Lynden, the chief architect of Katanga’s secession, summed up Belgian intentions: ‘The main aim to pursue in the interests of the Congo, Katanga and Belgium, is clearly Lumumba’s Ă©limination definitive.’ (Meredith 2011)

Lumumba was later to be tortured, beaten up, shot, buried, exhumed, cut up into pieces and his teeth and bones ground to powder and then thrown into a river.

That is a story for another day, but yes, there are scientists at the CIA capable of making poisons that can mimic local diseases, and can one be forgiven if they said they can also create diseases that can mimic diseases or poisons?

 If I were Alex Jones, I would also wonder why HIV mysteriously appeared in Congo a region where Leopold killed 10 million, and 10 million more have died there since 1998…everyone wants the Congo to be emptied. I wonder why. 

But am no Alex Jones.

Quotes from the book: The State of Africa: A History of the Continent Since Independence by Martin Meredith (Originally published 2005)

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Dr. Livingstone Wakagundanga Wanakazi nga Solomoni

Tikumanya wanyithu wa Synod wakumchindika chomene Dr. David Livingstone, tose tikumanya ndiyo wakadangilira kufika na uthenga wa yesu, ndiyoso wakajula nthowa kuti ma mission na madoda nga Dr. Robert Laws, Robert Moffat  na ma missionale ghanandi yize nakuzakatipa masambiro, ukhristu, nakutipoka ku malonda wa ugza ayo waharabo na wa Swahili wakatipyolanga nayo.

Kweni kasi mukumanya kuti Livingstone wakawa mtesi, mlowevu na mlebi? Mukumanya kuti wakawa mgundizi, mtombi, muswa bumbu wakufikapo? Mukumanya kuti wakababa wana na wamwali wachifipa? Pulikigzani nimuphalirani. Pala ndimwe wa Synod, werengani chakukhala.

Wakawa Wanalume - Livingstone


Pakwamba wakapukwa kukaona waka mkati mwa Africa, kweni wati waona kamwana ka vyaka 14 kakugulishika pa mtenga wa futi yimoza, Livingstone wakakhumba kumalisha malonda wa bazga. Kuti wachite ichi, wakaganiza zakuti waone pala ma sitima ghangenda mu msinje wa Zambezi kufuma ku Mozambiki kukafika ku Congo. Iyo wakati pala ma Steamer ghangenda, ndekuti wazungu wangiza na malonda ghanyakhe ivyo vingapangisha kuti malonda ya bagza yamale.

Wakenda kufuma ku Tete ku Mozambiki kweni wati wafika pa Kabola Bassa, wakasanga kuti mhingi ukawa ufinyi, sitima yingajumpha chara.

Ndalama za ulendo wake munthu uyu wakamupanga mba Boma, Mmalo mwakuti wayowoye kuti msinje wa Zambezi ungendeka chara, iyo wakalemba kalata kuti undendeka mchifuku. Munthu uyu ipo wakawa mu rwani.


Wati watondeka kupanikigza kuti ma sitima  yangakafika ku Zaire kufuma ku Mozambique, Livingstone wakasintha vyakuchita…sono wakati wakakhumba kukasanga apo msinje wa Nilo ukambira. Nyengo iyi wazungu wanandi wakamanyanga chara uku msinje uwu ukambiranga.

Livingstone wakalembanga kalikose mu ma dayale. Pakwamba wakazizikikanga na wafipa awo wakawaonanga wakugundana mu ma thondo pakuti manyumba yawo kale yakawa yachoko, tuvitembevitembe waka nthena.

Mubuku lakhe Into Arica: The Epic Adventures of Stanley and Livingstone, Martin Dugard, wakalembapo vya ulowevu na ulebi wa munganya uyu:

 ‘…Livingstone had no plans to marry these women, whom he observed daily in the village marketplace. That didn’t necessarily mean, however, Livingstone was chaste. Though a man of God, he was not without weakness. The missionary who arrived in Africa as a teetotal virgin had become fond of beer and champagne, and often travelled with a small bottle of brandy when he could procure it. Livingstone was also fond of women — and sex.

 ‘It was only natural in a land where the intense heat made nudity preferable to being fully clothed, where sex often took place in the outdoors because the communal family hut was too small for intimacy, where the muffled sounds of furtive lovemaking could be heard at night, and where Livingstone occasionally stumbled upon Africans in the act of intercourse. It was also not surprising that a widower enduring long absences from England would want the company of a woman.’

Dugard wakatiphalilaso za umo Livingstone mu dayale lakhe wakaghanaghanilanga chomene chomene zakukhuza fumukazi yinji yakuchemeka Manenko. Yikamutemwa Livingstone, kweniso mumuzi wawo wukawa mudauko wawo kutemwa kugundana na walendo. Pala walendo kwawafipira wakawapanga wamwali na pakugona, kweniso fumukazi iyo pala yati zakuno, no kukana yayi kopa kutimbika, kuchimbigzika na kukomeka. Kale pala kwafipa nkhalamu zikakalipanga, Livingstone uyo nkhalamu yikamulumapo.

Apulikani Dugard:

‘Livingstone’s thoughts of sex were actually evident in his journals long before Mary died. His entry of 8 January 1854, describing a fiery African princess named Manenko, was a commentary on the brash sexuality he encountered in his travels. Livingstone wrote that she was ‘a tall strapping woman of about twenty … in a state of frightful nudity.

‘This was not from want of clothing, for, being a chief, she might have been as well clad as her subjects, but from her peculiar style of elegance of dress. In the course of a quarrel with her entourage she advanced and receded in true oratorical style … and, as usual in more civilized feminine lectures, she leaned over the objects of her ire, and screamed forth all their faults and failings since they were born, and her despair at ever seeing them better.’

 ‘Manenko referred to Livingstone as ‘my little man’, and he complained that she left him with ‘no power’. It was common for royal women like Manenko, if they so desired, to share the bed of passing travellers. Hypothetically, if Livingstone was so ordered, he had no choice but to concede — or be killed.’

Werengani - Buku la Dugard

Mu dayale yakhe munthu uyu wakalembangamo cha ivi...kweni makalata ayo wakalembanga kwa madoda ghanyakhi ndiyo yakutiphalira kuti munthu uyu wakawa wa mphulupulu mukabunthu. Mukalata yakuluta kwa Munyake Seward, Livingstone wakati:

‘Sibweni ini ndini ndalewa wanakazi kuno, ndalewa wanakazi 300 nkhuchita kupulika kunowa ngati Solomoni wa mu Baibolo,’ ndimo wakalembera iyo.

Pulikani kwa Dugard:

 ‘Throughout his years in Africa, Livingstone’s journal admissions about sex were limited to vivid appreciations of the beautiful women he saw in his travels. But in a candid personal letter to G. E. Seward, the British Consul whom Livingstone befriended during his time on Zanzibar in 1866, the explorer revealed a telling private detail.

‘In the course of sharing insights about expedition supplies and the vagaries of life in Africa, Livingstone displayed uncharacteristic machismo by confiding in Seward that he’d had so many African women he felt like a famously prolific Biblical lover. ‘I had like Solomon three hundred wives princess (but don’t tell Mrs Seward),’ Livingstone confessed to his fellow Scot.’

Asi mwaona? Mulisha uyu wakawa na nkhuli yakuthwa chomeni.

Dazi linyakhi (18 March 1868) wakalemba kuti:

‘A VERY BEAUTIFUL young woman came to look at us, perfect in every way, and nearly naked but unconscious of indecency — a very Venus in black,’

Namachero yakhe  (19 March 1868) wakalemba kuti:

 ‘Grant, Lord, grace to love Thee more, and serve Thee better.’

Asi mwaona kuti wakung’namula kuti: nigowokelani a Chiuta chifukwa mayilo nkhapwakasha buzi? Pa 19 March pakawa pa birthday yakhi munthu uyu… wakayipulika kunowa.

Pa wanakazi 300 mpaka pawi mwana, wakawa kale na wana sikisi pa mpisu muori wakhe, so tikumanya kuti wakawa chumba yayi.

Wati wafika pamalo ghanyakhe, Livingstone, Chuma na Susi wakasangika kuti wamba kwenda na ka msepuka: ka swesi, sisi lake nga la wanthu wafipa chara. Mwana uyu wakawa wa njani?

Mweneko Livingstone wandalembepo za msepuka uyu, kweni wantchito wose awo wakamuperekezga ku Chitambo wakate ndi mwana wa bwana. Kakawa kaluwaliluwali nako, apo wawiske wakaluwalanga kuti wakhala pachoko kufwa nako wakachita kunyamulanga pa machira.

Pulikani Dugard:

‘…Livingstone’s infidelity was a breach of character. And there was one manifestation of this that remained fairly well concealed during Livingstone’s lifetime. It may have occurred in the fiery Princess Manenko’s village or in some other village during his many years in Africa, but Livingstone, it was later documented, fathered at least one African child.

‘That son was the teenage boy who had joined the caravan some time after Tabora. ‘He also had with him his son. He was a half-caste. The people said it was Bwana’s son,’ Chitambo’s nephew later swore in a deposition, speaking of the day Livingstone entered his village.

‘Bwana’ was a term of respect. ‘The people said it was Bwana’s son. He was respected by the others as the son of a chief. I did not see the mother or any other woman with the Bwana’s people.’ Chitambo wasn’t the only villager who would swear to a subsequent generation of British travelers about Livingstone’s son.

Another African, Mumana, remembered that ‘the Bwana had one son with him … his skin was quite white like a European child and his hair was fair’.’

Mwajipulikira mwekha. Pala mukhumba kumanya vinandi vya mwanangwa uyu wonerani documentary yakuchemeka: The Last Explorers: Livingstone (BBC), The Last Explorers S1E1 kweninso chomene chomene werengani buku la Martin Dugard – Into Arica: The Epic Adventures of Stanley and Livingstone (2004)

Nikhwasyani pa Twitter: @mutafire

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

We will kill HRDC Leaders – Blantyre Vendors

Police will now have to prepare fresh arrest warrants for the leaders of Blantyre vendors: They just formally announced that they plan to murder the arrested HRDC leaders if police ‘wantonly release them.’

The sturdy vice secretary of the so-called Blantyre City Vendors Association sure had his notes written down and he looked into the camera with full conviction while flanked by a crowd of his peers who broke into cheers, to punctuate his speech.

‘…we as vendors are celebrating and happy that our police have arrested for us the people that are tormenting us vendors and our businesses…,’ said the cleanly shaven man.

The vendors probably had an important message: HRDC frequent demonstrations are impacting their sales. They however then messed up a good brew by adding in murder plans.

In announcing that he and his friends intended to murder Mtambo and click, he trespassed into illegal territory.

He threatened the right to life (one of the most respected right in the world), he also is guilty of conspiring to commit a felony, he is guilty of issuing threats to the police (impeding the duties of public officers) and my favourite one: guilty of crimes against democracy.

As usual, in a country of laws, if vendors have any issues against HRDC, they can always sue or get an injunction or even petition HRDC with a cease and desist letter. Violence or threats of violence are not part of democracy nor a country of laws.

We know that the vendors are in cahoots with the ruling party and now that they have committed crimes similar to those HRDC leaders committed, what will the police do? The answer should be: arrest them, of course, but will they?

Tionenge. Titipulikenge.

Monday, March 9, 2020

On HRDC Arrests: Government has a Strong Case

Peter Mutharika is risking a lot by calling for and driving the arrest of the Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC)activists. Even well-established totalitarian regimes like Russia think twice before moving in that direction, they have HUMAN RIGHTS in their title, for Christ's sake!

Could there be another angle to this story, though? Could there be an angle that might not be popular or moral…but one that needs to be considered nonetheless?

 I think there is. I hate DPP and Ansah too, but hear me out.

Mtambo and Trapence of HRDC
HRDC went and sealed MEC offices across the country, the idea was to force MEC don Jane Ansah and her embattled and discredited commissioners out of office.

The act was not sanctioned by parliament, nor the court making it illegal. Even the Malawi Law Society condemned the act albeit late and in very diplomatic language.

As if that was not enough, HRDC announced that they were now going to seal the State House, the very residence of the president.

The keyword here is ‘seal.’ Here is what the Penal Code says about these ‘sealing’ acts.

CHAPTER XIII Miscellaneous Offences Against Public Authority
124. Soliciting, etc., to break the law
125. Soliciting public officers, etc., to fail to carry out their duties

CHAPTER XXV Offences Against Liberty

266. Punishment for wrongful confinement

 CHAPTER XXIX Burglary, Housebreaking and Similar Offences

308. Definitions
309. Housebreaking and burglary
310. Entering dwelling-house with intent to commit felony
311. Breaking into building and committing a felony
312. Breaking into building with intent to commit a felony
313. Persons found armed, etc., with intent to commit felony
314. Criminal trespass
315. Forfeiture

CHAPTER VII Offences Against Public Order: Treason and Other Offences Against the Government's Authority

38. Treason


If the state prosecutors decide to get tough on the HRDC the arrested might be in for some very serious legal trouble.

Unconstitutional: HRDC sealing MEC offices
One would say, but they are Human Rights Defenders?! And they would be right but another thing needs to be stressed: Malawi is a country of laws. Nobody is above the law. It is why Peter Mutharika cannot stop HRDC demonstrations.

This time, however, HRDC forgot to stay within their legal bounds and took the law in their own hands, and thus soared just above the law.

They always say one’s rights to swing a blow ends where another’s nose begins. If the HRDC had said it wanted to go demonstrate by camping or being outside the State House it would be very legal. Threatening to seal up the place is not.

Holding a vigil at MEC would not be illegal, sealing MEC gates is.

In a democracy, there are established institutions. We elect our MPS to make law and Courts are there to interpret laws.

If MEC is compromised (it is), one goes to court to seek redress (as UTM and MCP did) and the court can issue its interpretation (It said we will have a rerun and asked parliament to enable it). If the process is still not enough, and there are still gaps, the court is still there to hear those grievances and parliament is there to make new laws to deal with it.

The law doesn’t leave any gaps for mobs to sweep in. Mobs can, however, sweep in when those in offices also cross the line of the law and disregard the courts’ stipulations.

So far, the courts have not said lock-up Mutharika or Ansah. The law allows them to stay in office and if is assenting to bills, the law also empowers Mutharika with veto powers.

Instead of using parliament and courts to fill constitutional and democratic gaps, HRDC sought to do it using the mob. That might be moral or popular but it is illegal and bad democracy.

HRDC is not only guilty in criminal terms to me, but also guilty of crimes against democracy. There is a big difference between demonstrating/activism and crime.

I know that DPP and UDF are outnumbered by MCP and UTM and the fact that DPP continues to abuse government with their corruption and nepotism means the majority of constituents can only watch in anger because of the flawed first-past-the-post style elections system. 

I write this because I know that the media in Malawi will not write this. They are caught in the spiral of silence. The other human rights defenders won’t raise these issues either because they are also caught in a groupthink environment.

With that said, however, I prefer to still stick to the law. One is either a democrat or not. No half-ways about it.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Is China Using Blacks to Distract Population from Coronavirus, Economic Woes?

Hundreds of millions of Chinese are still in virtual coronavirus quarantine and yet to report for work in the Chinese New Year, millions of firms are facing bankruptcy and the country’s factory activity shrank at a record rate in February. With such gloomy circumstances and so much not to like it seems there is something most Chinese can all at least agree on: they really hate black people.

One such post on Weibo
Last week, China, which is one of the hardest places on earth to emigrate to (only had less than 1500 naturalized citizens in 2010) suddenly announced that it was seeking opinions on a draft to make it easier for foreigners to gain permanent residence in China. Bad move.

The backlash to the announcement was instant and sustained, it equals or surpasses the unprecedented backlash that followed the death of the whistle-blower doctor from Wuhan.  The only difference was unlike the backlash on the death of Li Wenliang being censored, the current one is being left alone if not fanned.

Multiple hashtags of the issue started trending on Weibo a Chinese copy of Twitter, every post by authorities or state media was quickly bombarded with hundreds of thousands of comments on the proposed bill. One of the hashtags was read almost 4 billion times in a country of 1.4 billion.

Very few of the comments of posts provided any intellectual justification for their opposing the bill, some did: saying the move would foster corruption and take away jobs, but most only stated, zoomed in and focused on one thing: black people.

People posted about how China would be taken over by strong black genes, how Chinese women would be raped, how blacks would bring crime. Some simply stated that they really hated black people.

Citizens posted pictures of officials in crosshairs and some depicted an official bent over and a black man in an orange prison uniform and the N-word plastered on his chest seemingly sodomizing him. Apparently the official, Yang Yiyong had said some positives words about inter-racial marriage.

Every Chinese person who could find a video of black people doing crime did so and plastered it on social media. One of the most widely circulated shows two black teens shoplifting in an unidentified country.  Another video from the 120db movement in Europe which has young white women describing being harassed by refugees also got widely circulated.

Somewhere in Africa
For effect, pictures of black men with Chinese girls were plastered all over the place and the women were called whores. The vitriol was reminiscent of the recent controversy over a program by Shandong University to foster cultural communication during which netizens also used pictures of Chinese women with brown and black men to make their points, to bully the girls and to stroke nationalism. 

Even though gory videos are not allowed on Chinese social media, it seemed Weibo, QQ and Wechat made an exception if the offender was black.

Fake news was also a big part of the narrative and it was pushed by accounts some of whom are verified. One involved a picture of black people had words saying that France is now 80 percent black.

One picture featured a banner in Africa shouting: ‘Rape Rape Rape: You can do it in China. Refugees can do anything. Contact the Chinese Embassy Now! You will not be punished.’ This text was wrapped around a drawing of three black men pinning down and raping an Asian woman.

Black people now majority in France they claimed
Ohers circulated a picture of pure yellow corn next to another  batch with dark purple corn overshadowing the yellow.

Some shared accounts of how they fear walking around on campuses where black people also study, some shared pictures of blacks on Chinese trains. Meme after meme rained.

I have lived in China since 2013, I know it is one of the most racist countries on earth, but this week’s eruption on social is one I have not seen before.  Even some of my former Chinese students were blatantly posting about blacks bringing HIV to China and their hatred of black people. 

It is fashionable for Chinese schools to openly advertise jobs and demand that only white people apply. In some Chinese cities, schools would rather have Russians who can barely speak English than have black English professors. This is something every black person who spends enough time in China knows. The current racist movement is however a new thing. 
Threats were issued

With the economy in bad shape, with households in financial trouble could someone be provoking fears among the population to make them forget their actual problems? It sure seems so because with all their censorship and their toughness against the topics that criticise government, authorities seem to be happy letting this one gain steam.

None of the naturalized citizens of China that I have seen are black, it is already hard for Africans to even apply for visas to China and some hotels in China blatantly refuse to let in anyone with an African passport.

It is fashionable being racist in China. When one rapper was accused of promoting drug use, he apologised and blamed it on ‘black music,’ and he was forgiven. One wonders how people like me who listen to nothing but black music are seen in China.  There is also a massive movement of Chinese going to Africa and making demeaning videos of unsuspecting natives in Mandarin for clicks and views in China.

Chinese greatest fear: use your imagination

Chinese can be racist all they want, but to use blackness as a scapegoat in times of economic and social turmoil is disturbing.  It is more disturbing if one considers that there are a million Chinese in Africa and the author Howard French found that Chinese push African governments to lower immigration restrictions against Chinese as part of trade deals.

Black people are subjected to a medical before and after they enter China, most of the HIV clusters in China have no links Africa. They come from the women Chinese men are fast-tracking and traffic into marriage from Myanmar to fill the shortage of women in China, from gay men who are not targeted by HIV outreach messages and from bad practices in collecting blood from poor and desperate locals who used to sell blood for survival. Yet the black man is the bogeyman.

When the coronavirus broke out China constantly complained of being stigmatized, it even expelled reports of the Wall Street Journal over a headline it deemed racist. All that now seems very questionable if anyone looks at what is on Chinese social media now.

The most retweeted tweet in the world was one that promised people they would win money, even then it only got retweeted about 5 million times. Compare that to the billions of views and hundreds of millions of comments on the issue, it should show you how hateful just one country is towards blacks. 
Interracial couples are being doxxed
and shamed

Some would argue that it is simply Chinese being against foreign influence, but that would be not correct because even though there are more whites in China and more white-Chinese couples in China, they are conspicuously missing from the uproar and slander.

There are many African students studying in China as China desperately tries to appear internationalized, many Africans also jet into southern China to buy products that keep many businesses in China alive.

 How is it possible to hate the very people one needs? How long before all the social media vitriol turns into real violence against black people in China? What is the end game?